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PD-我们现在怎样做教师?What kind of teachers should we try to be in digital era?

我们现在怎样做教师?What kind of teachers should we try to be now?







这一连串的问题,孕育了国际教育技术协会International Society for Technology in Education(ISTE).(ISTE)的诞生。













在线图书馆和搜索引擎的发展,让每一位老师做独立研究员,成为了可能。15年前我刚开始从事教师工作时,还要经常去国家图书馆检索资料,现在Google Scholar和Amazon已经在时效,体量和检索效率上更胜一筹。我和Spencer Burrows每周从中、美教育者的两个角度撰写的“批判性思维”系列文章的所有参考文献我都利用Zotero编整,并利用GoogleDoc同步写作。


FLA Line的第一名正式100%在线远程学习学生张同学目前以双学籍身份在佛罗里达学习生活。北京时间每周一的上午,我会利用Zoom给张同学进行同步教学,张同学在线下还要找出相应的时间进行独立学习。利用技术,我可以结合张同学的时间表,个人特点,进行“1对1”个性化的教学设计。目前各位老师在使用的SWIVL正式评估课录课设备也同样提供了精准性,大家每天的工作节奏都很快,每个人的时间表都特别满。不依赖工具,很难保障每一位课程评估人员都齐整地参与到了评估环节,很难保障评估结果的公正性。合理使用技术和工具,这些困难都迎刃而解了。



What kind of teachers should we try to be in digital era?

More than a hundred years ago, Mr. Lu Xun wrote in “How do we be fathers now”: “Carry the burden of inheritance yourself, shoulder the gate of darkness, and let our kids go to a wide and bright place; thereafter spend their days happily and behave reasonably.”

More than 40 years ago. At a backyard barbecue in Eugene, Oregon, a tight-knit group of forward-thinking K-12 and University of Oregon educators began asking, “What if …?”

What if we gave students powerful tools allowing them to take charge of their learning?

What if we let students follow their passions and work with peers to solve problems?

What if teachers didn’t lecture, but served as guides and collaborators?

What if we let computers do what they do best, freeing up humans to create, to dream, to change the world?

That’s the story of the birth of International Society for Technology in Education(ISTE).

Who we are.

The teachers of the Future Leadership Academy.

Who are the students of the Future Leadership Academy?

Future Leaders.

So, we are the leaders of the future leaders.

Combining Mr. Lu Xun’s article and the story of the birth of ISTE, I would like to share with you today: in the digital era , how we can be leaders who can lead future leaders, release our students to a wide and bright place, and use technology and tools to improve our work efficiency and quality of life.

  1. More Learners

In the past three weeks, I represented FLA in three live streams on “Kuai Shou”, a shot video platform like TikTok developed by a Chinese company.  with a total of 1,047,000 views. That’s more than the number of live people I’ve ever seen in my life, and far more than the total number of students I have taught. This really forced me to think about what kind of teachers should I try to be? Where I needed to prepare for 5 hours for a 1 hour class, I now need to prepare for 15 hours. From live sound pickup to OBS setup, from lighting to filter settings, things that I once didn’t have to think about as a teacher, I now need to take care of.

  1. Wider world

The traits of curriculum development work requires me to collaborate with teachers or institutions in multiple locations around the world. Some days require early morning meetings, and some days require late night discussions. Last night at 21:40pm  I just finished preparing for an online orientation for am upcoming online project with my partner in New York. At 11:30,I finished the online discussion of the reflection of the online project. Every teacher living in the global village, every one of us can cross time and space with the help of tools and technologies. 

  1. Easier Research

The development of online libraries and search engines have made it possible for every teacher to become an independent researcher. 15 years ago when I first started teaching, I had to go to the National Library to do research regularly, but now Google Scholar and Amazon have become more effective in terms of timeliness, volume and efficiency of retrieval. I use Zotero to compile all the references for the series of articles of “Critical Thinking” that Spencer Burrows and I write every week from both Chinese and American educators perspectives, and we use GoogleDoc to write them simultaneously.

  1. Less is more

FLA Line’s first official 100% online distance student, Zhang, is currently living and studying in Florida as a dual enrollment student. Every Monday morning in Beijing time, I will use Zoom to give Zhang synchronous teaching, and Zhang will manage her schedule to use more time offline to finish her independent study. Using the technology, I can personalize the “1-to-1” instructional design by taking into account Zhang’s schedule and personal characteristics. The SWIVL  recording platform that the teachers have been using provides the same possibility, as everyone works at a fast pace every day and everyone’s schedule is particularly full. Without relying on tools, it is difficult to guarantee that every evaluator is involving in the evaluation session which may yield unfair results for teachers. Using technologies and tools wisely, these difficulties were solved.

“Talents of wise teachers have nothing different from others, but can take advantages of tools and technologies which are beneficial to them.” I hope that in the digital age, every teacher can be the leader who can lead the future leaders, release our students to a wide and bright place, and use tools and technologies to enhance our work efficiency and quality of life.

 For more information, you can take out your phone and scan the code to download a document from ISTE.